How to Treat Infant Cradle Cap at Home

How to Treat Infant Cradle Cap at Home

As a new mom, you’re starting to experience all the little random things about infants that nobody quite warned you about. One of those things might be dry, flaky skin, especially on the top of your baby’s head. While it can appear alarming, cradle cap is totally normal and easily treated. As a new parent, your first instinct is to rush right to your pediatrician and fix it as soon as possible. The good news about cradle cap is that it usually goes away on its own and does not require further treatment from a doctor. Keep reading to learn more about cradle cap and how to treat infant cradle cap at home with a product that was specifically designed to do it!

What is Cradle Cap?

What is Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap, sometimes also called crib cap, is the baby version of seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis causes dandruff in adults. In babies, it causes extremely thick and flaky skin on a baby’s scalp. Cradle cap is common, mostly harmless, and should go away eventually. It’s most common in babies up to 3 months old, but it can last up to a year or longer. Most cases of cradle cap go away by a child’s first birthday, and cases continue to drastically decrease as a child approaches 4 years of age.

Cradle cap is usually located on the head and may concentrate behind the ears. Sometimes, it also affects the skin under the eyebrows or on the nose, armpits, or groin. The flakes may be either dry or greasy, and they are usually white or yellow.

Cradle cap is harmless, and it’s not medically necessary to get rid of it. But if you want to try removing it, there are a few safe methods you can use at home. Most remedies are not scientifically proven to work, and results will likely be temporary. Someday your child will simply grow out of developing cradle cap.

Signs and Symptoms of Cradle Cap

Signs and Symptoms of Cradle Cap

Common signs of cradle cap include:

  • Patchy scaling or thick crusts on the scalp 
  • Oily or dry skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales 
  • Skin flakes 
  • Mild redness

It’s time to talk to your doctor about your baby’s cradle cap if you have tried home remedies and they have not worked or if the cradle cap is spreading to your baby’s face. Also, rest assured that cradle cap is not itchy and it is not contagious!

Home Bath Cradle Cap Treatment

Home Bath Cradle Cap Treatment

The easiest, most effective way to treat cradle cap at home is by home bath treatments. Here’s what to do:

  1. Choose a mild shampoo for your baby and start washing their hair every day until the scales are gone. 
  2. Let the water and shampoo soak on your baby’s head for a bit. 
  3. Loosen the scales with the Innobaby Silicone Mini Fish Scrub / Cradle Cap Brush by gently rubbing the scales in a circular motion to loosen them up. 
  4. Rinse your baby’s hair and use a little bit of petroleum jelly before brushing your baby’s hair as usual.

Innobaby Silicone Mini Fish Scrub / Cradle Cap Brush

Innobaby Silicone Mini Fish Scrub / Cradle Cap Brush

Gently massage away stubborn cradle cap and dry skin with the Innobaby’s Bathin' Smart Silicone Mini Fish Scrub!

Our Mini Fish Scrub features over 3,000 tiny micro-bristles that gently massage and break up dry skin on baby's scalp beneath their hair. Gentle and safe enough to use on newborns and young infants, our Mini Fish Scrub is made out of 100% silicone that is mold and mildew-resistant, meaning it is time to throw away that stinky washcloth and give your baby something safe.

Innobaby Silicone Mini Fish Scrub / Cradle Cap Brush

Bonus: the Silicone Mini Scrub is dishwasher safe or can be sterilized in boiling water for a deep clean. Not just for cradle cap, the Mini Fish is great for the entire family - mom can use it too as a facial scrub! Mini Fish includes a convenient handle that is easy to grip and can be suctioned to the side of the tub, shower wall, or any other smooth surface. To use: simply apply a small amount of your favorite shampoo or body wash, massage to create a lather, and enjoy!

Innobaby Silicone Mini Fish Scrub / Cradle Cap Brush

  • OVER 3,000 MICRO BRISTLES - Gently massage away stubborn cradle cap naturally with our mini fish. With over 3,000 ultra-fine micro bristles and additional massaging bumps on the reverse to break up and remove dry flakes on baby's scalp. 
  • EASY TO HOLD - The suction cup design makes it easy to securely grasp while bathing baby. 
  • BONUS - the suction cup sticks to the side of the tub, shower, or any smooth surface, perfect for drying and storage. MOLD AND MILDEW RESISTANT - Made in South Korea from 100% Silicone, it will not harbor smells, stains, or mildew. Quick drying silicone is also dishwasher safe and safe to boil for a deep cleaning. 
  • CREATES A GENEROUS LATHER - Our product testers loved how easily the mini scrub created a voluminous soapy lather, and you will too because you will use less product! 
  • ANYONE CAN USE IT - Silicone Mini Fish is perfect for the whole family! Use it as a massaging cleanser for babies and toddlers, or mom can use it too as a facial scrub to gently exfoliate dry skin.

Innobaby Silicone Mini Fish Scrub / Cradle Cap Brush

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September 19, 2022

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