Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow - innobaby

Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow

Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow We know what you’re thinking: a therapeutic what? If you or your little one has trouble going down at naptime, bedtime, or...
Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow - innobaby

Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow

Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow We know what you’re thinking: a therapeutic what? If you or your little one has trouble going down at naptime, bedtime, or...
Toddler Moms: Tips for Sleeping On The Go - innobaby

Toddler Moms: Tips for Sleeping On The Go

Toddler Moms: Tips for Sleeping On The GoAs a toddler mom, our schedules are often beholden to our little one’s sleep schedule. While we can often stretch wake windows one way or another a little easier once they’ve become a toddler, it can still lead to some issues when traveling or on the go. If [...]
A Parent’s Survival Guide to Working From Home - innobaby

A Parent’s Survival Guide to Working From Home

If you have kids, then working from home probably entails three different jobs: your day job, being a parent, and also being a teacher. All three are full-time commitments, plus overtime. All the work can be exhausting, especially in this prolonged pandemic. But as difficult as it may seem, it’s possible to juggle work and [...]
Simple #2020 Holiday Memories: Spreading Cheer in quite the year - innobaby

Simple #2020 Holiday Memories: Spreading Cheer in quite the year

Holidays are *usually* a time for cheer, gatherings, parties and events. This year may look a little different than years past, but with a little bit of creativity, they can be just as filled with joy and celebration as always. I always remember back to when I was a little girl and what the feelings [...]
Parenting in a Pandemic: 5 Tips for Colder Weather Activities with Kids - innobaby

Parenting in a Pandemic: 5 Tips for Colder Weather Activities with Kids

Every late fall, I spend some time sorting through my kids clothing and changing the seasonal offerings. As I sort through the shorts and tank tops, I often wonder what activities my kids will want to do as we transition to the cold months here in the Midwest. As they grow and change their opinions [...]
E-Parenting: Creating Magic Amidst Chaos - innobaby

E-Parenting: Creating Magic Amidst Chaos

Never in my decade and a half of being an educator and a parent would I have thought that we would be all remote for a good portion of a calendar year. Never would I have thought that all of the zoom meetings that I sat in and learned from as a business owner would [...]
A parent’s guide to lunchtime, nap time, masks, and more! - innobaby

A parent’s guide to lunchtime, nap time, masks, and more!

Back to School with Innobaby: A parent’s guide to lunchtime, nap time, masks, and more!The last 4+ months have felt like both a breeze and an eternity. Just a few months ago, our kids were breezily in school with their peers blissfully playing, learning, and lunching with their peers daily. They were recessing, running, [...]
Great Products for Allergy Season - innobaby

Great Products for Allergy Season

It’s officially the spring season! Unfortunately, this also means that allergy season is upon us, as well. Plants that have been dormant for months (or even since last spring!) are finally popping up and releasing all their pollen. While they might be beautiful, they can cause some uncomfortable allergies. Along with flowers, trees, grasses, weeds [...]
Gifts for Sensory Kids - innobaby

Gifts for Sensory Kids

This week, we are focusing on Sensory Kids! It can be difficult to find toys that will keep children with Sensory Processing Disorder busy, comfortable and stimulated. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for all the best squishy, spiky, foamy and fidgety gifts for the little ones in your life!What is Sensory Processing Disorder?Sensory [...]
Transitioning from a Crib to a Big Kid Bed - innobaby

Transitioning from a Crib to a Big Kid Bed

There are few sweeter rites of passage kids experience than transitioning to a big kid bed! There are many ways to get your little one excited about transitioning, including talking it up, counting down the days, redecorating their room and - of course - getting a beautiful, exciting bed for them to look forward to! [...]
Sleepovers at Grandma & Grandpas - innobaby

Sleepovers at Grandma & Grandpas

Ah, Grandma and Grandpa’s house. The place of basically no rules, tons of junk food and being treated like an absolute King or Queen for the night. There’s nothing quite like it, and setting your child up for fond memories at their grandparents house will give them a lifetime of heartwarming stories. It’s hard to [...]