Ways to Boost Your Kid's Self-Esteem
Are you recognizing that your toddler or child is anxious and needs a little help in the self-love department? You’re not alone; plenty of moms are concerned about teaching self-love and ensuring that their child knows how wonderful they are. As parents, we want to make sure our kids feel secure, happy, and confident, and it starts now in early childhood. Keep reading for ways to boost your kid’s self-esteem, including how sensory fidget toys can help calm their anxious nerves.
Struggling with Teaching Self-Love to an Anxious Kiddo?
Positive affirmations and self-love activities can help build a kid’s confidence and emotional resilience. Wondering if you’re doing enough?
Here are some stats to keep in mind:
- Lack of self-esteem is a significant developmental problem for young children today. Research conducted by Prof. Lissette Saavedra, tells us that often unhealthy self-esteem is the underlying cause of fear, anxiety, anger, panic attacks, dependence and lack of assertiveness, depression, eating disorders, addictive behaviors, relationship problems, social anxiety disorders, and dependent personality disorders.
- The average 2-year-old child hears 432 negative statements per day, but only 32 positive statements each day, according to a research study at the University of Iowa.
- 80 percent of children entering the first grade scored high on the self-esteem inventory. By the fifth grade, only 20 percent of the children were scoring high. And by the time they graduated from high school that number was down to just 5 percent.
- Children with unhealthy self-esteem feel that the important adults and peers in their lives do not accept them, do not care about them very much, and would not go out of their way to ensure the child’s safety and well-being, according to Prof. Saavedra’s article in Psychology of Infancy & Childhood.
- Girls were particularly likely to be critical of themselves, and one-quarter of older girls reported that they did not like or hate themselves. In contrast, only 14 percent of boys said they felt this way.
[source: ttps://adventurestoawesome.com/hot-topics/kids-self-esteem-statistics/ ]
Self-love and self-esteem begin at home in early childhood, and the key is you. Focusing on positivity in the house will help, but this can sometimes be difficult for parents to remember—especially parents of toddlers who are constantly making sure their child isn’t doing something unsafe.
Tips for Boosting Kid’s Confidence

Luckily, there are many ways to help boost your child’s confidence at home. Even if your child is already school-aged, it is never too late to start incorporating small practices into everyday life. Some simple tips for boosting your child’s confidence and self-esteem include modeling confidence in yourself, recognizing their efforts, avoiding being critical, and helping them with their anxiety through simple things such as fidget toys.
Model Confidence In Yourself
Being a good role model to your child is the most important and best way to instill confidence in them. Doing tasks without complaining, being in a positive mood, taking pride in your work, and recognizing your own efforts will encourage children to mirror the same behaviors. The more positive you are at home about your own self, the more your child will pick up those same actions for themselves.
For example, think back to the early toddler years when your child was first beginning to talk. They modeled all the things you said, and likely, you and your partner would look at each other with a smirk to point out who usually says what and where they “got” that phrase. This same type of mirroring applies to self-confidence as well!
Recognize Their Efforts
Recognizing your child’s strengths and efforts is a great way to help them build self-confidence. This can be difficult, especially in the toddler years, but it is important to keep in mind. When baking with your toddler and they spill flour everywhere, it can be frustrating. However, while correcting them about the flour, make sure you praise them for being such a good helper and seeing that they are trying as hard as they can.
Help Your Child Learn Things
One of the best ways to encourage self-esteem and boost confidence at home is to help your child learn new things and accomplish goals. Learning new things and reaching new heights can bring a ton of joy to anyone, especially a child.
Show your child how to do things and allow them to make mistakes. Encourage their efforts and the fact that they are trying hard. Avoid being critical throughout the process. Once they learn something new, such as getting dressed, writing their name, or riding a bike, ensure you give them lots of praise and encouragement. Make it a big deal!
SPIKE Fidget Toys

Are you already recognizing that your child is anxious, needs help concentrating, and needs some encouragement to focus on tasks? Fidget toys have been clinically proven to help children with attention and anxiety issues stay focused and calm.
Innobaby has an entire line of SPIKE Fidget Toys that are ideal for the classroom, restaurants, the doctor’s office waiting room, and everywhere in between. These sensory toys help toddlers feel calm and connected with their emotions while fostering self-love and acceptance.
Enjoy SPIKE Fidget Toys in its many forms, including:
For more parenting tips and products to help your anxious kiddo, visit us at Innobaby.com!