4 Developmentally Beneficial Positive Parenting Tips

As new moms, we are always looking for ways to give our babies the best head start. Whether it is helping them achieve their milestones or setting them up with success in feeding or talking, we want to make sure we are doing everything beneficial from the get-go. If you are looking for developmentally beneficial things you can do for your baby, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn our four favorite developmentally beneficial positive parenting tips, including the oral development teethers that will set them up for great skills for life.

Tip 1: Talk To Your Baby Nonstop

Talking to your baby is one of the most important, developmentally beneficial things you can do for them. Some parents might feel silly talking to their babies so much, but there are so many positives to doing it. They include:

  • They learn how to listen, respond, and take turns speaking
  • They feel valued and important
  • Watching you talk improves their language skills
  • Watching conversations helps babies learn tone

Some of the ways you can talk to your baby throughout the day include:

  • Reading. One of the best ways you can bond with your baby is by reading to them.
  • Narrating. Got your baby set up in their bed or bouncer while you’re making dinner? Incorporate talking to your baby by narrating your process and explaining each spice or ingredient you are using.
  • Singing. Babies love (and respond best to) high-pitched, sing-songy voices. What better way of giving this to your baby than singing to them?

Tip 2: Learn About Baby Sleep

As adults, we can feel it when we don’t get a good night’s sleep. As a new mom, you are surely feeling it some days when you’ve had a long night with your new baby. Babies can feel the same type of exhaustion when they haven’t gotten the proper amount of sleep, either. Sleep is an important aspect of brain development, whether you’re a baby or an adult.

As such, it is important for new parents to learn about baby sleep and how much age-appropriate sleep is best for their baby. Of course, every baby is different; however, buy and large, babies require naps throughout the day and a good amount of sleep at night.

Some tips include:

  • Watch for sleepy cues. If your baby is staring into space, feels rigid, rubbing their eyes, yawning, pulling their ears, their eyebrows look pink, or are extra fussy, this means that they are overstimulated and/or it is time for a nap. Stop what you are doing, when available, and put your baby down for a nap so they can recharge.
  • Understand wake windows. Depending on their age, babies can only be awake for a couple of hours at a time. Time how long your baby has been awake and start looking for sleepy cues near the end of their wake window to put them down for their nap.
  • Sleep begets sleep. For adults, if we take a long nap during the day, it may be more difficult for us to fall asleep at night. In addition, if we stay up very late, it may be very easy for us to fall asleep when we hit the pillow. Babies are the total opposite. The more sleep your baby gets during the day, the better they will sleep at night. Don’t be afraid of those naps!

Tip 3: You Can Never Spoil a Baby

A very developmentally beneficial positive parenting tip, probably one of the most important ones, is to understand that you can never spoil a baby, especially a newborn!

Giving your baby plenty of love, snuggles, kisses, and smiles is one of the most important things they will ever receive in their life. Hold your baby as much as possible, especially incorporating skin-to-skin whenever possible, to help encourage your baby to feel stress-free, loved, and safe.

Tip 4: Non-Complicated Playtime

When your baby is freshly awake from sleep and in a good mood, it is time to play! As new moms, we can be bombarded with suggestions for what is best for your baby and what toys and methods you should be using. We are here to tell you that playtime with your baby does not have to be complicated!

Some tips for non-complicated (but developmentally beneficial) playtime include:

  • Set up a safe space. It can be difficult for babies when they are constantly redirected or told they cannot touch something or go somewhere. That is why it is important to set up a safe space for them to explore, such as a playpen or baby-proofed room with a baby gate.
  • Provide plenty of textures. Babies love to feel and explore new things, especially new textures. They love bold patterns, bright colors, and lots of things to touch.
  • Make things stimulating. Toys with bright lights and sounds don’t have to be the only way to stimulate your baby. Even a simple rattle, mirror, or pop-up book will keep them plenty entertained.

Innobaby’s Oral Development Teethers

Playing with your baby does not have to be complicated. One of the most fun activities your baby will enjoy is exploring simple things, such as their teether! Teethers matter, and Innobaby has an entire line of oral development teethers that will put them on the right track for oral development success.

By using these teethers, your baby will develop skills that will last a lifetime for speech, feeding, and teeth development!

Innobaby’s oral development teethers stimulate the muscles of the lips, tongue, and cheeks to improve oral motor skills, which aids in nursing, eating solid foods, drinking from cups, and speech development. The light and easy-to-grip handle also improves hand-eye coordination. Giving two to your baby will allow for bilateral movement and stimulation of both sides of the brain, as well.

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Innobaby holds its teethers to the very highest standards (Conform to Toy Safety Standard ASTM F963 and EN71) and uses the highest quality TPE available because Innobaby wants the best for your baby, just like you! Other teethers may be too small or break apart easily, but you can trust ours!

For more positive parenting tips and great products for the whole family, visit us at Innobaby.com!

Photo: © via canva.com