Keepin' Smart Snack Box

Kid Food Ideas

By the time I write this, many of us parents have gotten over the hard part of the back-to-school season. The school supplies have been purchased, sleeping schedules have been established, and we are forced to adjust lunch ideas to what our kids’ favourite foods are this year. With all that going on, it helps to have some shortcuts, some ways to make the whole experience pleasurable for the kids, and a tad easier for us. This is where the Innobaby Stainless Storage Containers come in.

Before we began using these, I had the lovely task of rummaging through a mountain of old containers to use for school lunches. Finding tops to match the bottoms was tedious enough, and then there was the issue with using plastic containers to put hot food in them. That never settled well with me. So when I saw these stainless steel leak proof containers, you could say my mood changed with it. I went from lazily preparing lunch the morning of school, to prepping the night before, and enjoying it too. It wasn’t just the fact that I had gone comfortably from plastic to stainless steel, but also the look of the containers. They were durable, insulated, and overall more pleasing to the eye than plastic containers. Let’s not forget that they are better for the environment as well.

Keepin’ SMART™ Stainless Lunchbox
This container is the ideal solution for storing food in an airtight space. I can’t stress how many times I have packed lunch for our oldest in standard tupperware, only to find out his food had leaked into his lunch bag. I don’t mind cleaning up a mess, but a toddler’s lunch experience in school comes with enough interruptions as it is, so any other ways to reduce it helps. Stainless steel means I can wash in the dishwasher. The container comes apart and can be washed quickly by hand, but putting them on the top rack of our dishwasher is usually my backup plan for nights when I am just too tired. I like that I have that option. Another feature that I favour is the fact that there’s a BPA free protective sleeve over the stainless steel. Sometimes I put hot or cold food in plastic containers, and either myself or the children feel the temperature all the way through. With the protective sleeve, you can transport the food without worry.

Keepin’ SMART™ Stainless Divided Snackbox

Both containers together are the perfect pair. One is large enough for a main course, and the other comes with a divider, which makes it ideal for snacks. This works great with our toddler (age five as I type this), because his meal times at school are divided into two sessions. What I love about this particular design is that you get the features of the stainless steal lunch box mentioned above, and also a stainless steel divider. Some children do not like when their food touches other food, and some are visual, and enjoy having ingredients or colours separated to make the presentation more aesthetically pleasing. Whatever the reason, you have room for creativity and versatility with this container.

Keepin' Smart Insulated Storage Containers

***I received snack & lunch boxes for review purposes. I have not been compensated for this review. All thoughts are my own.

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