What is a Sensory Kid?
What is a Sensory Kid? As new moms, we hear new phrases all the time, including “Sensory Kid.” Do you wonder whether you have a sensory kid or if what...
Is Your New Years Resolution to Be Less Stressed?
Is Your New Years Resolution to Be Less Stressed? New year, new you, but that’s what we tend to say every year. If 2023 was overwhelming and you’re looking for...
What is Sensory Development?
© OLHA TSIPLYAR via Sensory Development and How to Practice Your baby’s sensory development begins the moment they’re born and continues throughout toddlerhood. It’s an important development that helps shape...
Cold Weather Water Play Ideas
Cold Weather Water Play Ideas Does your toddler love water play? Of course they do! Chances are, you spent most of your summer outside, in the pool, visiting the lake,...
Bathtime with a Child with Sensory Issues
Bathtime with a Child with Sensory Issues If you have a sensory child, you understand that everyday, routine things can become more of a struggle. Whether it is eating, playing...
Child Won't Sit Still? It Might Be a Sensory Issue
Child Won't Sit Still? It Might Be a Sensory Issue Prolonged sitting can be difficult for many if not most, children. However, when it comes to sitting for a meal...
3 Signs Your Child Needs a Sensory Boost
3 Signs Your Child Needs a Sensory Boost Ever been stuck in a long conversation, a boring movie, or dragged someplace that you didn’t want to be? That’s how it...
How Sensory Toys Help Children Learn
How Sensory Toys Help Children Learn Sensory toys and fidget toys do much more than keep your little one busy and entertained when out to eat or if you need...
Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow
Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow We know what you’re thinking: a therapeutic what? If you or your little one has trouble going down at naptime, bedtime, or...
Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow
Here's Why You Need a Therapeutic Sensory Pillow We know what you’re thinking: a therapeutic what? If you or your little one has trouble going down at naptime, bedtime, or...
Do You Have an Excitable Kid? Here Are 3 Tips
Do You Have an Excitable Kid? Here Are 3 Tips Kids are nothing if not excited and enthusiastic. However, some children can be a little more so than others, to...
The Ultimate Sensory Kid's Valentine's Day Gift!
The Ultimate Sensory Kid's Valentine's Day Gift: A Sensory-Friendly Room! Does your kiddo have a Sensory Processing Disorder? Sensory-seekers and sensory-avoiders are quite common conditions in children, especially if they...